start > cultuursite > literatuur
Deze pagina geeft een overzicht van de literatuur over Samenland die ik gebruik of nog ga gebruiken bij mijn essays of notities.
Aamold, Svein, redactie (2017). Sámi Art and Aesthetics: Contemporary Perspectives. Aarhus University Press.*
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Benjaminsen, Tor A. (2015). Misreading the Arctic landscape: A political ecology of reindeer, carrying capacities, and overstocking in Finnmark, Norway. Norsk Geografisk Tidsskrift - Norwegian Journal of Geography, 69-4, 219-229.
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Eriksen, Thomas Hylland (2019). Knowing from the Indigenous North: Sámi approaches to history, politics and belonging. Routledge.*
Fjellgren, Patricia, redactie (2021). Inifrån Sápmi : vittnesmål från stulet land. *
ISBN13: 978-9189155497
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Gaski, Harald , redactie (2020). Let the river flow: An Indigenous Uprising and its Legacy in Art, Ecology and Politics. *
Hermanstrand, Håkon, redactie (2019). The Indigenous Identity of the South Saami: Historical and Political Perspectives on a Minority within a Minority. Springer.*
ISBN13: 978-3030050283
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Herva, Vesa-Pekka (2020). Northern Archeology and Cosmology: A relational View. Taylor & Francis.*
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Hirvonen, Vuokko (2008). Voices from Sápmi: Sámi Womens Path to Authorship. DAT.*
ISBN13: 978-8290625585

Holmberg, Aslak (2018). Bivdit Luosa – To Ask for Salmon: Saami Traditional Knowledge on Salmon and the River Deatnu: In Research and Decision-making. *
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Holme, Felicia (2017). Sápmi samhällsstruktur: En studie av politiken i det historiska samiska samhället. *
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Jokinen, Mikko (2014). Heated and frozen forest conflicts: Cultural sustainability and forest management in arctic Finland.
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In: P. Katila e.a. (red) 2014, Forests under Pressure – Local Responses to Global Issues.

Joks, Solveig (2017). Sámi salmon, state salmon: TEK, technoscience and care.
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Kent, Neil (2014). The Sámi Peoples of the North: A Social and Cultrual History. Hurst.*
ISBN13: 978-1849042574
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Koivurova, Timo (2015). Legal Protection of Sami Traditional Livelihoods from the Adverse Impacts of Mining: A Comparison of the Level of Protection Enjoyed by Sami in Their Four Home States. Arctic Review on Law and Politics, 6-1, 11-51.

Kuokkanen, Rauna (2020). The Deatnu Agreement: a contemporary wall of settler colonialism. Settler Colonial Studies, 10-4, 508-528.
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Labba, Elin Anna (2020). Herrarna satte oss hit. Norstedts.*
ISBN13: 978-9113101682
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Lehtola, Veli-Pekka (2010). The Sámi people: Traditions in transition. Kustannus-Puntsi.*
ISBN13: 978-9525343113

Magga, Inger Marie Gaup (2010). Sámi Snow Terminology - Meaning and Usage.
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Manker, (1975). People of eigth seasons. Nordbok.*
ISBN10: 9146197109

Maynard, Nancy G. (0). Impacts of Arctic Climate and Land Use Changes on Reindeer Pastoralism: Indigenous Knowledge and Remote Sensing.
Minde, Henry, redactie (2008). Indigenous Peoples: Self-determination Knowledge Indigeneity. Eburon.*
In collaboration with: Svein Jentoft, Harald Gaski and Georges Midré
ISBN13: 978-9059722040
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Oskal, Anders (0). Old Livelihoods in New Weather.
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Persson, Sofia (2017). What local people? Examining the Gállok mining conflict and the rights of the Sámi population in terms of justice and power. Geoforum, 86, 20-29.
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Ravna, Øyvind (2016). Norway and Its Obligations under ILO 169: Some Considerations after the Recent Stjernøy Supreme Court Case.
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Rawlence, Ben (2022). De boomgrens: Het laatste bos en de toekomst van de planeet. Ten Have.*
ISBN13: 978-9025910419

Ryd, Yngve (2001). Snö - en renskötare berätter. Ordfront.*
ISBN10: 9173247855

Solbakk, John Trygve (2004). Samene: en handbok. Davvi Girji o.s..*
ISBN10: 8273742903

Spitzer, Aaron John (2021). Is Nonterritorial Autonomy Wrong for Indigenous Rights? Examining the ‘Territorialisation’ of Sami Power in Norway. International Journal on Minority and Group Rights, 28, 544-567.

Valkeapää, Nils-Aslak (0). Grüße aus Lappland. Samica.*
Valkonen, Sanna, redactie (2022). The Sámi world. Routledge.*
ISBN13: 978-0367458157
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Xanthaki, Alexandra (2017). Indigenous Peoples' Cultural Heritage: Rights, Debates, Challenges. Brill.*
ISBN13: 978-9004342194
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Østmo, Liv (2018). Mis/translation, Colonialism, and Environmental Conflict. Environmental Humanities, 10-2, 349-369.
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